Center of Advanced Fluid Dynamics

1. Collaboration Challenges R&D projects

Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation — link.

Types of projects: projects with the participation of companies and R&D centers.

Minimum budget: 400.000€.

Duration: up to 3 years.

Expenses funded:

  • total expenses of the companies,
  • marginal expenses of R&D centers.

Type of funding: non-refundable (R+D centers) / refundable (companies).

Funding intensity: up to 65% for companies and up to 100% for R+D centers.

2023 call: closed on February 20th, next call is expected to open in February 2025.

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2. CDTI Research and Development Projects (PID)

Funding entity: Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) —

Types of projects: projects with or without participation of R&D centers.

Minimum budget: 175.000€, typical 300.000 - 700.000€.

Duration: 1 to 3 years.

Expenses funded:

  • total expenses of companies,
  • cost of R&D centers subcontracting.

Type of funding: non-refundable/refundable.

Funding intensity: up to 75% of the total cost (85% in some cases).


  • generates a Binding Motivated Report, which facilitates access to the tax deductions,
  • the CDTI provides a contact person for all the project.

Call open all year long.

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3. Tax deductions and bonus for the Social Security fee

Corporate tax deductions:

  • 25% of R&D expenses,
  • 17% of R&D personnel cost (with a minimum dedication of 85%),
  • 8% of R&D fixed assets.

In the case that not all the deduction could be applied, there is a possibility of:

  • applying the deduction in the subsequent 18 years, or
  • monetizing the non-deducted part through the corporate tax.

It is strongly recommended to have the Binding Motivated Report, before applying any deduction.

Bonus to the Social Security fee

Up to 40% of the total company expense in Social Security.

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4. Funding for hiring R&D staff

Industrial Doctorate - Generalitat de Catalunya

Funding of a company research project where the doctoral student does his research training, in collaboration with a university or a research center, and which is the subject of a doctoral thesis.

Call 2024: open until mid-December.

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Industrial Doctorate - Ministry of Science and Innovation

Funding for the PhD realization in companies, through the co-financing of the contract of research personnel in training who participates in an industrial research or experimental development project that is carried out in the company, in which the doctoral thesis will be framed.

Closed call. Next call expected to be open in April 2025.

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Torres Quevedo - Ministry of Science and Innovation

Funding of a three-year contract for companies to hire PhD personnel to develop industrial research projects, experimental development or viability studies.

Closed call. Next call expected to be open in January 2025.

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